Party Planning Tips and Prepare You Home for Party

Prepare Your Shopping List like a Professional Party Planner


When you will be planning a party, or even planning an entire event, being well organized can set you apart from those who have a difficult time of it.  Organization is your best friend when it comes to successfully planning and having a party or event of any size. 


And, the key to having successful organization skills lies in your shopping list.  When you have an excellent shopping list, then you are sure to have all of the supplies you need on the day of your party or event. 


It is very easy for most people to become overwhelmed when they enter a store or mall.  You walk in thinking that you know exactly what you want, and then you find yourself amongst so much amazing stuff that you start to question your original thoughts and decisions. 


This often leads to purchasing things you hadn’t planned on.  In the worst case scenario this means you forget vital items, in the best case scenario it generally means that you spend too much money and go over your budget.  The simple way to avoid having this happen is to make a good shopping list and then stick to it when you shop. 


Steps in Preparing a Party


The first step in preparing your shopping list is to gather up a pencil and a pad pf paper.  You want to label the first page of the notepad with the date of your event and any location information you might need later, such as an address or phone number, if your party will not be held at your own home.   


The second step in preparing your shopping list is to decide what the menu will be and what ingredients your menu requires you to have.  Take the time to go through each recipe for your menu and write down each of the ingredients you will need to purchase and the quantities you will need.  Each of these ingredients, with their amounts listed, will go under the heading of “food” on your master party shopping list. 


The third step to preparing your shopping list is to decide on any beverages which you will be serving and the quantities you need to obtain.  Each of your beverages, with their amounts listed, will go under the heading of “beverages” on your master party shopping list. 


Next steps


The next step to preparing your shopping list is to decide what party and paper goods you will need for the event or party.  Consider things like plates, cups, silverware, serving bowls, centerpieces for tables, flowers, tables and chairs, etc…  Make sure to write down anything you could possibly need on your master party shopping list. 


Now that you have an all inclusive master shopping list, it is a good idea to break that list down by stores and times when you will be buying the items listed.  For example, you will likely want to shop twice at the grocery store. 


The first time you will want to shop for everything which will last until the date of your event; the second time you will want to shop for perishable items such as fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, and breads.  This means that you want one page for the items you will purchase on the first trip, and another page for the items which you will purchase at the last minute. 




As you make your sub-lists, you will want to add in your shopping times to your master party planning calendar.  You will likely have two grocery shopping trips, a trip to the party store, a trip to the liquor store, and a trip to the florist as well. 


By taking the time to schedule shopping at each of these venues, you can ensure that you do not forget to go to one store or another, and that you will have the time needed to obtain all of the things you will need to have a successful party or event. 


As you can clearly see, creating a master shopping list is the only way to plan a successful party or event like a professional party planner.  And, through the use of sub-lists you can zero in on just what you want and ignore the other things in the store that might have otherwise tempted you. 


Party Planning Tips to Help You Enjoy Your Own Party


Many people don’t throw parties simply because they don’t want to do a ton of work and then end up missing all of the fun because they are stuck in the kitchen or running around the house doing last minute necessary things. 


However, this doesn’t have to be the way it is!  You can throw and party and enjoy it at the same time.  The trick to hosting a party where you can enjoy yourself is called organization.  If you are organized then you can run your party without it running you ragged. 


If you can keep your eye on the prize, having fun at your own party, then you can organize it in a way where you actually can enjoy your own party right along with your guests. 


As I said previously, the key to the host enjoying their own party is organization.  If you take the time to get organized before the event, then you can enjoy your party.  Here are some tips to help you out.


Party Planning tips

Party Planning Tip – Make a master list of everything you need to do and purchase for your party.  From this list you can easily create a timeline which allows for time to clean, de-clutter your home, shop for food and decorations, decorate, and cook.


Party Planning Tip – Decide if you will be making your own food or buying it prepared.  Some things, like veggie trays, meat trays, and even cakes can be purchased inexpensively from stores like Costco for about what you could make them for. 


Decide early in the process if you will be making your food or buying it ready made to save time.  Look at the actual costs as well as your time when you are making the decision.


Party Planning Tip -   Take advantage of anyone’s offer to bring something for the party.  Having many people bringing just one simple dish to share can save you a ton of time and energy. 


More tips


If your party will be all good friends and family you can even suggest they bring something with them if they have a signature dish that everyone in attendance just loves. 


Party Planning Tip – Shop as far ahead of time as possible for non-perishable items.  Save your last day shopping for such things as fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers and pastries or breads from the bakery. 


Party Planning Tip – If you do not have table linens, but don’t want to use the paper ones, sheets work very well as alternatives.  Also, make sure to place some felt or other heavy material under your table linens so your tables will not be damaged by heat or moisture.


Party Planning Tip – If you hate to clean your house, or your party is approaching and you are running out of time, arrange to have your home professionally cleaned the day before your party.  In addition walk around your home and remove any unnecessary clutter from shelves and other surfaces. 


Even more tips


Party Planning Tip – Let your spouse and children help you prepare for the party.  Assign each a task and then simply make sure that it was completed.  Remember that your guests are not coming over to inspect your home, they are coming over to enjoy your company.


Party Planning Tip – If you have a pet, make sure that you have plans for how to handle their needs during your party.  For a cat, you may wish to close a door to their favorite room and allow them to stay away from your guests. 


Once the big day of your party arrives, if you find yourself running around and not enjoying yourself, start delegating out tasks to people who ask if they can help you, or to your spouse or children – don’t try to do everything yourself! 


As you can see, the key to an enjoyable party is to organize, do the best you can, and then let others help you when they ask.  Follow these simple tips and you will have a great party that even you as the host can enjoy. 


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